Thursday, May 15, 2008

Road trip to the UK

We had planned to leave appr. midday on Thursday in order to reach Esbjerg and the ferryboat to Harwich late in the Afternoon. As both Sebastian and Marie-Louise woke up at 5 am(!) we had all the time we could wish for at hand ;-) 

The car ride went smoothly and we reached Esbjerg in no time. After a couple of hours in downtown Esbjerg (!) we drove down to the ferry boat and after a loooooooong wait we were finally allowed aboard. However, one of the dock workers was in a bad mood, and he had therefore parked his truck right at the entrance of the boat! All boarding stopped and we had to wait - number two in the line - for yet another hour before we could enter the ship. Fortunately the weather was calm and sunny, and the trip over the North Sea was very comfortable.

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