Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Smiling girl!

A little bump on the road

We like stable and normal. Especially when it comes to bloodcounts. Fortunately Sebastians counts have been stable for more than 8 years, which is rather unusual when it comes to Fanconi Anemia.
However, a blooddraw from Februrary showed a big drop in the white count and a not so big drop in the red count, which of course just reminded us, that stable counts are probably not here forever. The most likely explanation for the drop was an outbreak of parvovirus B19 in Sebastians school. Sebastian did not display too many symptoms of the (normally) mild virus, but his counts took a little hike.
Four weeks after the draw, we retested and the white count had gone up to normal by itself, whereas the red count had not moved. We expect it to come back round over the coming months, and are not too alarmed by this. B19 is known to have an impact on the bone marrow, and the fact that Sebastians marrow worked itself up again to (almost) normal levels is a good sign.

Three in a row!

Julie has got the best siblings in the world!

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Monday, February 18, 2013

Tenerife 2013

Grandfather Jørgen, Sebastian, Tue and Kirstine tried out the climbing challenge at the hotel. We all made it down safely :-)

Happy holiday Sebastian!

Marie-Louise signed up for the Super Kids. Proud girl with bag, shirt and cap!

We went to the downtown Los Gigantes beach, only to find black sand and black rocks!

A little hole in the cliffs of Los Gigantes

A little swim in the pool with Marie-Louise


Marie-Louise at the desserts - her favorite spot in the restaurant!

Julie was in the pram - the rest of us in the picture

A little more pictures from Tenerife 2013

Sebastian was a master at the playground of the hotel

...whereas Marie-Louise enjoyed minigolfing and child-disco'ing with her friend Iben.

Snowman with candles

Winther has been long and dark. This creation lit up in the dark hours :-)

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Happy times!

Julie grows up so fast - she is a bundle of endless joy in the family!

Saturday, February 2, 2013

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

We had good news from the cardiologist, who examined Julie some days ago. Apparently the VSD (hole in the heart between the right and the left chamber) has become relatively smaller, and he now finds it highly unlikely that she will ever need surgery to correct it. Yeahhh! We are very relieved, and will only have to go to check up in one years time.

Above a picture from today with Sebastian and Marie-Louise at the steering wheel of the pram. We could not wish better siblings for Julie ;-)