Our Boston hotel turned out to have a very nice kitchen, and we had a delicious - and full - breakfast served in our room. Not a bad way to start the day ;-) The weather was very sunny, and already in the late morning it was extremely hot. We made it a little down the road from the hotel, and found the New England Aquarium, and was eager to go in and cool down a little. Despite the fact that it turned out to be a rather busy day at the Aquarium, we saw both penguins, sharks, jelly fish and a lot of other water inhabitants. Marie-Louise was especially interested in the hospital-ward of the aquarium, where two turtles were treated for various illnesses. One of them had even had an MRI-scan recently! We reassured her that they would probably soon be able to leave the hospital.

After visiting the fish, we got hungry. Close-by we found a Wagamama, which served us a nice meal. Especially the kids were very happy with the noodles!

After a little siesta in the hotel we went out to a park, where we found - yes - a playground! We could not stay long, as it started to rain, so we ended up shopping a bit before heading back for the hotel. After dinner both kids had a nice bath in the tub - together with a whole bunch of Sebastians Star Wars Lego minifigures.
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