Monday, February 22, 2010

Moment of truth

Driving on our way to the creche and to the kindergarten this morning, we had one of those questions, you know:

Sebastian: "What is the name of Marie-Louise's disease?"

I: "Marie-Louise does not have a disease. You have Fanconi, but Marie-Louise does not have a disease."

Sebastian: "Why not?"

Well, hard to explain - and great that Sebastian has now reached the age where he starts questioning things. It will make him wiser, and more aware of his situation, I am sure. And it certainly woke me up on this Monday morning :-)


Unknown said...

wow. what a question to receive. one of those moments that really lets you in to see the world through his eyes. thanks for sharing.

Kristin Young said...

Wesley has been going to camp since he was one year old. He just realized this past year that he has Fanconi Anemia, even though we talked about it all the time. At camp I pointed out all the kids that had FA there and he looked at me and said, "How do you know momma? How do you know they have Fanconi Anemia?" I said cause their mommas told me so.