Tuesday, July 8, 2008


First day in kindergarten - for three and a half week. Sebastians stomach is back to normal - or as normal as it can be. Diaper is off again, and we are just so relieved that he managed, at last, to get rid of it on his own. We had a blooddraw last week, and all counts are within normal ranges! Great. On Friday we are off on vacation for three weeks, and it is therefore great that Sebastian is back with his friends in kindergarten for a couple of days. He claimed himself: "I have almost forgotten them". This turned out NOT to be true!
Evas funeral will be on Thursday this week. Tue has found his childhood photo albums, which Eva have put a great effort into, and we spend evening after evening with reading and laughing of past times. This is a great way to remember a very dedicated mother. 

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