What a nice, relaxing weekend we just had. First of all: Sebastian made it the whole week through in kindergarten! Wouw! No infections - great. To celebrate this we went to grandmother Libbe and grandfather Jørgens summerhouse in Rågeleje as soon as Tue was home from work Friday afternoon. Libbe & Jørgen had turned on the heat when we arrived, and we cooked a nice dinner with lamb. Saturday we went to the near-by town Helsinge, where they have this impressive childrens toys and clothes shop called Troldeæsken. Sebastian had a treat in the kids corner with pop-corns, 'pebernødder', and a little playful puppy. Sunday we went to buy this years christmas tree (and a few other necessities for the 24th of December) before we went back to Copenhagen

In the afternoon we went to Tivoli Garden for some kids event, and Sebastian finally got a ride in the veteran-cars. It felt like being a normal family, with a normal need to play, relax and have fun in the weekend. How extraordinary! Speaking of normal: Sebastians appetite has changed dramatically over the past months. This past week he has been crying for food in the evening (at 5 in the afternoon!), he has eaten his breakfast with no complaint and a lot of it too, and he has even been hungry at lunch-time. Those growth hormones really has changed a lot, and the strain of him turning his back on the table again and again has been easing up. It makes everything so much easier - and so much fun. We are looking forward - very much - to seeing the results of the bloodwork made last week, concerning his growth factors. Even we, as his sceptical parents, can see a huge difference, in height, in weight and in appetite.
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