The rash is still there, but much better and not so itchy. A dermatologist told us yesterday that it is a virus-rash, which you can get after fever and infections. Well, we have seen quite a lot of that for the last three months! Sebastian has been in kindergarden less than 50% of the days since Summer, so we all do hope that he will have less of this in the coming time - with Winther coming up we will see about that. Despite the rash and despite a little cold that has been on for the last 4-5 days, Sebastian has been cheerful as ever.
Especially on Saturday when we had the great family-the-duck-of-Morten-'s-night (the Danish version of Thanksgiving I suppose) at my sisters place - a homemade, vivid family competition on who can cook the best duck. Tue and I found ourselves with a perfectly roast duck, but how to convince the others that this must be the winner? We dressed it up a bit, and arranged it neatly, and surely this did the trick.

We won the competition this year - and we better, you could say, as Christmas is to be held in our house, with duck as the traditional Danish main course. Sebastian do not eat duck, but going to my sisters place made him run in circles for hours before we were actually going there. My niece, Anna, is THE goodess (not only to Sebastian - she is a very sweet 8 year old princess), not to speak of 'Mene' (my sister Malene), 'Di' (my brother-in-law Stig) and of course 'Misser' (their cat Emil). Sebastian had quite a night running part-time after Anna, part-time after Misser, in a M&M's sugar-rush. We managed to get him to sleep a little before midnight!