Well, another half year gone by ... wow, time is spinning out of control!
We are all doing well, and have - touch wood - not seen much illness since January. Great! Two days ago Sebastian started school. We succeded in getting him into a school (Kongevejens Skole), which seems to be able to manage his challenges. First a couple of pictures of Sebastians first day at school:

Sebastian brought with him Scrabbers, his mouse (which in my unexperienced eyes looks more like at rat!) and a cool hairstyle ;-)

The kids brought out 'Kongevejeren', a lion which only comes out once a year, on the first day of school.

Sebastian, William and Tobias L. meeting their 'uncles' Alfred and Benjamin from the 5th grade.
It seems as though Sebastian likes his school - even though he still speaks very fondly of his old kindergarten. And the first days have been a bit tough for him, with many new things to learn. On Friday we have an appointment at the hospital with a specialist in stomach issues, and we hope to get some good advice, as Sebastians 'accidents' seem to have augmented considerable. Mayby because he is nervous, we do not really know.
Marie-Louise is doing very well, and seems a little less 'red-haired' compared to half a year ago - she is behaving a little better, and the conflicts do not spin out of control as often. She is strong-willed, no doubt, but we can better handle it now. Her language is definately getting better and stronger, which helps a lot. We have asked for some help to her when it comes to pronouncation of sounds, which we hope to start up on during this fall.
She is a sweet, sweet girl with good creativity: she loves to paint and draw, cut and glue and play with play-dough. Here some recent photos of her:
... and on a horse in Dyrehaven.
We are still trying to get pregnant with a healthy child, which could also be a HLA match for Sebastian, via PGD. However, we have not been lucky so far. I have now started the 9th attempt with daily injections with hormones, and hope that this time we will have many and good eggs. Egg-retrieval is planned for beginning of September.
Along with this we have been lucky to make contact with a German doctor in Berlin, who is willing to help us out when it comes to the question of possible donor-material for Sebastian. In Copenhagen we have - so far - not received much help on this, except a fluffy statement telling us that Sebastians HLA type seems 'rare'. How rare, have we asked. But they have not been able to tell us more. It turns out that we need a more specific test on Sebastians blood, to be able to make a search in the international donor register. Information which could have been nice to have, already before we started the PGD cycles now 2 1/2 years ago! However, it seems as though we can get help from Berlin, if we manage to make Copenhagen do another bloodtest on Sebastian. The answer to that is still not in, but hopefully we know before next weeks routine blood-draw on Sebastian.
I hope to be able to post pictures from our Summer in the US and in Denmark soon. Thank you for checking up on our family ;-)