Having a nice and cosy start on 2010 with our two sweeties.
Sebastian is having surgery for his phimosis on Monday, and we are talking it over and over and over with him several times a day. He is not too keen on yet another surgery in his private parts, but tonight he named his prize: a Darth Vader costume. We will see what we can do. Sebastian is so much into Star Wars these days. We have the Wii game, and he is quite good - despite one missing thumb - on getting through the many levels and chapters. Being very fond of black (!) his favorite is Darth Vader, but actually all of the bad guys are very 'appealing' to him. Not trying to over-analyse on this, but I am pretty sure that this is one of Sebastians defence mechanisms in life: you have to know evil, and know what can possible threathen you, before you know what is good.
Marie-Louise is playing around all day, and is generally a very happy child. She is a good and solid eater - very welcome news in the house! We will see if her appetite could boost Sebastians a little, or if Sebastians choosyness will affect her more in the long run. Marie-Louise is very much into fruit, and often enjoys a whole melon on her own! Bananas and apples are favorites as well. She likes chicken, paste bolognese, roast pork, and potatoes, potatoes and potatoes - with gravy. My daughter!
She is very interested in the toilet for the time being, and likes to read sitting on her potty. For now it is just for play, and nothing is really produced during these looooooooong bathroom visits ;-)
Marie-Louise is very much into cuddling, and in the morning we carry her from her bed into ours, and snuggle with her for about half an hour. Then she will sit up, and say 'done' followed by 'breakfast' (mårnemad), and then we better get out of the bed! Great way to start the day.