Marie-Louise had drainage tubes put into her ears today. She did really well, and the procedure was very short. We have been checking her ears monthly for a little year now, and the doctor has been hesitant as to do the surgery or not. Last Wednesday he finally decided to go ahead. I am quite pleased with this, as the drainage tubes will probably help Marie-Louise hear better. Having Sebastian in the family, with his hearing impairment, helped us push for a decision at last. No need to wait too long with action when it comes to hearing!
Sebastians hand-surgery will hopefully turn out to help him use his right hand better. He is still in a cast, and it will only be removed in 10 days. The surgery itself took 3 1/2 hours, and he woke up from the anaesthesia without any trouble. He had painkillers for 4-5 days, but has been off them since, with no pain in his hand. Fantastic.
After we got home from the hospital, I started to run a fever and have a very sore throat. I got very ill within the next couple of days, and finally went to the doctor. Only to find out that I had managed to get a streptococcus back home from hospital! When I came home from the doctor, Sebastian started to run a fever, and sure enough: he got it too. Two days later the whole family including my mother (!) was tested positive for the bacteria. Wonderful! But thanks to antibiotics we survived ;-) Tue and I got very ill, fortunately Sebastian only had one night with fever, and Marie-Louise seemed to steer free altogether.
We have just ended the round of antibiotics, and even managed to enjoy the lovely weather we had for the last part of April this year. We have been in the garden a lot, and are walking in the woods and along the river almost every day. We truly did make a great move, when we dicided to move out of Copenhagen!