... to move houses! We are VERY impatient now to move into our new house in Ørholm, Lyngby. We will get the key on the 1st of March and make the actual move on the 8th of March. It is going to be great to get Springtime in Ørholm!
In mid-January we all - except Tue - got the stomach flu. It was three not very memorable days, and Marie-Louise rounded that up with another four days of flu! Well, winther-time is bug time, but fortunately we have not had anything since then (as I dare write this, I am sure that Nemesis reads it, and retaliate accordingly ;-)).
We have now been admitted to the PGD process, and in the end of March we should be able to contrieve the first eggs. Wish us luck - as we will definately need it! We are very fortunate to be able to try it out. Even though the chances are small for a healthy child which could also become a donor for Sebastian, there still is a chance. And at least we feel that we try to do something, which might help Sebastian.
For the Summer we are planning to take a trip to Norway to meet up with old friends from University. Most of us have kids now, and it will be great to see them all, and their parents of course. We are also planning on going to Camp Sunshine in Maine this Summer. Even though Sebastian will be only 5 years old, and not know English, we have been told that language at that age usually is not a big issue. We consider that meeting up with other FA families and giving Sebastian the opportunity to play with other kids like him, can be very valuable for our whole little family. First we need to get that application filled out, though ....