Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Wonderful news!

The 18th of November 2008 a wonderful babygirl was born at Rigshospitalet in Copenhagen. She is the most adorable girl and pretty as her parents: Marie & Thomas. Congratulations to you! We all went for a visit, and met cousin Hugo in the room of the new family. 

Monday, November 17, 2008

Something on paper!

Today Sebastian is home with a bad cough, which he probably got from Marie-Louise, who had it last week. Sebastian and I played school: he would wake up at home, eat breakfast, take his school-bag on and ride on his horse (!) to the school. At school he was asked to draw pictures of all members of the family. Bearing in mind that Sebastian is NOT AT ALL very keen on drawing I was surprised he consented on doing us all. If it is not apparent I can help with the order of the familymembers: Sebastian (happy), Marie-Louise, Dad and Mom.