Monday, October 6, 2008


Finally an update - and this time NO pictures. I love pictures. Most of all I love pictures of my family - and yes, sometimes they get a bit numerous here on our blog. Well, I cannot help it.

Sebastian is doing fine. He came back in kindergarten in the beginning of August, but has had quite a few infections since. Not serious infections, but colds, eye-infections, a little blood in the urine, small fevers etc. He is still a very sweet, kissing, caressing boy who loves to talk, loves to have a story read for him, loves to play - and loves a good movie. These days he is on Shrek 2, and finds the cat with the sword very interesting. Everybody with a sword is very interesting to Sebastian, and weapons in general makes him jump up and down in exitement! Maybe it is the first sign of opposition to his peace-loving mom - maybe he just has something very HUGE to fight against! He has started to ask a little about certain things: why do i wear a hearing aid, and 'this hand I call my thumb-hand'. Today he told me (or rather: a little toy cat I was playing with) that when he turns five he will get a thumb on his other hand. Hmmmmmm ... well he might turn a little dissapointed there ;-( We had his counts taken a little month ago, after a week of small fevers, and counts are still within normal ranges. So nothing to worry about there yet. His growth is still great (he is on growth hormones), and now meassures 103 cm and weighs 16 kg, being 4 1/2 years old. Not too bad when you concider that he completely had stopped growing a the age of 1! He still has quite a lot of peeing accidents and big accidents as well. They tell us to have patience. So we try ;-) A big change came into Sebastian life a little year ago, when he became big brother to Marie-Louise, and this might have rocked his world a lot - at least this could be one explanation to the accidents.

Marie-Louise is doing fine. She is very fast on most developments, she started to crawl early, and she almost stands now at 10 months, and walks with her little wagon. In other areas she is somewhat behind, especially on eating, where she prefers no-chewing food, and easy to swallow food. She improves however, and tonight she had her first taste of meat, although a very small amount. She has started in the creche now, but has been home a few days because of colds. Tonight she even got a fever, and she will be home - as well as Sebastian (eye infection) - tomorrow. Oh well, one day I will have some time to think about what to do job-wise in the future!!!

And then we are house-hunting. We were lucky to sell our house in September last year. Now we live in a flat for rent, and are looking for our next house. The financial crisis across the world seems to help us out for the time being, but buyers and sellers on the property market are still far apart. We will see. Right now we are looking at a house in Ørholm, Lyngby, with a nice little garden. We should have the answer on our bid by tomorrow.

The last - but not smallest - piece of news is that we are now officially trying out the PGD-road. If we succeed we will be able to have brother or sister for Sebastian and Marie-Louise, which on top of fulfilling our family, could be a perfect match donor for Sebastian when he will need a transplant. The process at the hospital is slow, and we hope to have the initial meeting with the hospital experts within the next two months.