Finally - an update. I am happy to announce that the Summer has been so packed with wonderful events that there has been absolutely no time for updating the journal.
Sebastian is doing really well, and has only had very few and insignificant infections since March this year. Yeahh, way to go! He is growing at an enormeous speed (16 cm the first 12 months on growth hormones!) and seems overall to take the medication very well. We are all convinced that the hormones have contributed not only to growth but also to general well-being and possibly general development as well. We are very thankful for the good decision, which was finally made last Summer.
The pregnancy is going well. I am already - with almost 4 months to go! - big as a house, but if this is the price for our precious girl expected at Christmas (approximately 22nd of December) I am more than willing to pay!
We spent the Summer partly in the summerhouse in Raageleje, and partly at home at Valdemar Holmers Gade in Copenhagen. We have been on two trips to Legoland, a day at the train museum in Odense, a few times in Tivoli and Copenhagen Zoo, and then been with friends and family. We celebrated Sebastians 3 year birthday and had a grand pirate ship cake done for the party in Raageleje. Our new nephew Emil is getting bigger every minute, and we are looking forward to his baptism in the coming weekend. Tues brother Thomas and his Marie got married in July (7/7/07) and we attended their grand wedding and party. In August we went three days to Schwarzwald for Aline and Torstens wedding, a great trip where we caught up with the Cambridge group and enjoyed a couple of sunny days in the South of Germany. Sebastian stayed with Elisabeth and Joergen for a long weekend, and did not even ask for us once! He enjoyed every minute spent with grandmother and grandfather - except maybe the noisy nights!
And believe it or not - we finally managed to sell the house after 13 months on the market! We are moving out by the end of September, and have been VERY lucky to find an appartment for rent, very close by Sebastians kindergarten. The long time plan now is to build a house next to Elisabeth and Joergen, in Birkeroed, approximately 20 km North of Copenhagen. This will take us at least 2-3 years, and in the meantime we will have a nice place to live at Bispebjerg Bakke. The really big bonus of selling now is that we will get the move done before the girl arrives in December.
All in all we feel very lucky for the time being. Sebastian is back in kindergarten after a change-of-weather cold. We have a few doctors appointments in the dairy for the coming months, but hope they will all tell of status quo (growth doctor, hearing aid control, blood counts).