Saturday, February 24, 2007
Thursday, February 22, 2007
Wednesday, February 21, 2007
From pirate to cowboy
The snow storm has arrived! Everything is white and the wind is howling outside - fortunately I am inside, tucked in a blanket and with a hot cup of coffee! Sebastian is back in kindergarten after yet another week at home, this time with the flu (probably). He ran a high fever for a couple of days, but as his counts, until now, have stayed up, even during infections, we decided that we this time would avoid the trip to hospital for check-up bloodcounts. Of course we cannot do this every time, but this was his third infection this year, and we were happy not to have to go again.
The tickets for our New York / Washington trip have now been booked (2nd - 21st of April), together with a hotel on Manhatten for the first six nights. We are starting to plan the trip more carefully, and got some very nice links and ideas from Anne Marie - Thank you! We might want to stop by Philadelphia and Baltimore on our way to Washington DC, where we are meeting up with friends and from where we are flying back on the 20th of April.
On Sunday we went to a Fastelavns-party ('mardi gras') in our neighbourhood. Sebastian had since Christmas wanted to be a pirate for Fastelavn, which was just perfect as he got a very nice pirate outfit, that he has even played with AND WORN a lot since then (not like the dog outfit, which I bought for him last year. He wore it once, forced by his evil mother, and has turned it down with a frown ever since. And yes, who wants to be a dog in the first place? ...). Then two weeks before Fastelavn, he claimed that he now wanted to be a cowboy - NOT a pirate. Well, as you please master Sebastian! I started working on a horse, found a cowboy hat and wanted to make THE cool cowboy outfit. Well, the horse 'Valdemar' was created and the hat in place (not on Sebastians head of course - he refuses to wear it!), but he went ill and could not make it to the Fastelavns-party at kindergarten. Then for the neighbourhood party we gave him the horse and the hat, as it was outdoor - but NO, dressing up is, apparently, not fun! As we told each other last year: better luck next year!
Sunday, February 18, 2007
Thursday, February 15, 2007
Saturday, February 10, 2007
Wednesday, February 7, 2007
Tuesday, February 6, 2007
Something about cars ...
I do not have the touch of cars! A couple of weeks ago I went to pick up Sebastian in kindergarten, and the drive back went fine until Haraldsgade, the street next to our own (fortunately!). Then the car just went out. Completely. On turning the key just a hoarse 'heumfff'. Hmmmmm ... It turned out that we had run out of fuel ;-)
Today the car was not very speedy, driving a bit slowly and acting oddly. Hmmmmm ... Maybe lack of fuel again I thought. Hopefully I can make it down to kindergarten, to drop off Sebastian. I managed to speed it down to The Rainbow, only to find the back wheel fuming a bit and looking VERY flat. Hmmmmm ... I left the car in front of the kindergarten, and walked back. Hope that Tue will help me out in the afternoon ;-) A bike seems to be a better option for me ...
Sebastian has had another infection, starting with a Sunday (10 days ago) of vomitting. He was not a happy trooper! We went over to hospital, where they found some blood in the urine and a little fever. We stayed the day, and he cleared up. The next week the fever came back and went againg a couple of times and it has now finally disappeared. The night between Saturday and Sunday Sebastian had the worst growing pains that we have ever experienced. He groaned and cried for four hours, and I had unfortunately forgotten the pain killers at home (we were at my parents house for the night). He slept until 10.30 in the morning and woke up in the best of moods and started riding the motor-bike (for kids!) round the house again and again. He probably added another two centimentres that night - those growth hormones sure are effective!
Sebastian is now in kindergarten, which he has started to call 'school'. He asked me 'where is Anna?' this morning, and I told him 'at school'. This sounded very cool (she is 8½ years old and soon to be a big sister ... wow!) so now he also wants to go to school. He took his little bag and called it his school-bag and off he went into kindergarten. When I told him that it was I and not Tue that was going to drive him down to the kindergarten, he insisted that he would drive instead of me. I told him he would need to have a drivers licence, which was fine with him, he said. Coming to think of it: after the drive this morning I might let him and Tue deal with car-matters in the future ...